The importance of MSHA part 46 and part 48 training.

I was on the MSHA website this morning and stumbled across this article. It caught my eye because I have personally inspected this mine in the past. I know the mine operator they are referring to.

Federal judge orders Colorado mining company to ban owner from worksite until he completes required safety training Duckels Construction Inc. owner posed safety hazards, injured employee
Employers:      Duckels Construction Inc., Fred Duckels, owner  Actions:           U.S. Mine Safety and Health Act consent order and judgment  Court:               U.S. District Court of Colorado  Investigation findings: On Oct. 13, 2023, Judge John L. Kane entered an agreed consent order and judgment requiring Duckels Construction Inc. to prevent owner Fred Duckels from entering the mining site permanently until he completes and provides proof of mandatory safety training. After an investigation by the Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration, the mine owner was ordered to stay away from the Steamboat Springs mining site after MSHA learned he had failed to comply with mandatory safety training. Despite the order, Duckels continued to work at the mine and was involved in several near misses and reportedly injured a worker with an excavator.  Quote: “Minersalready face many life-threatening hazards in addition to operators refusing to comply with federal requirements,” said Regional Solicitor John Rainwater in Denver. “The U.S. Department of Labor will continue to hold operators accountable and ensure that all federal safety requirements — including completing required training — are met.”

I have inspected this mine a few times. The challenge sometimes is communicating with mine operators in a way that helps them to understand MSHA is not there to punish them, but for the safety of the miners and the sustainability of the mine operations This article shows that working with the mine operator in a fair and consistent manner affects the inspection.

At the time I was inspecting this mine, the mine operator was compliant with the required training. It is up to mine management and leadership to set the tone at the top for training and safety compliance.

Part 46 and 48 training is very important to all miners so they keep safety at the forefront of their minds in the course of daily activities. Miners can become complacent when training is not constant.

I have the ability to provide this training in the most cost effective manner, online or in person. This removes the cost barrier and supports management’s efforts to keep safety as a priority.

John Kalnins

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